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Who We Are

Background  of the CLRSS



Our purpose: To inform and educate landowners, other citizens and government about the environmentally sustainable use and protection of the Cowichan watershed with emphasis on the upper Cowichan watershed and all riparian zones. To work with schools, citizens and other like-minded groups for this purpose.


We are a not for profit organization operating under Schedule-1, effectively our by-laws, of the BC Societies Act.


View a Short Video About Us


Current Board of Directors


View our Presentation on CLRSS and the Cowichan Valley to the 2019  Royal Roads University Leadership Program


Current Strategic Plan

The strategic plan states in a formal manner what we are trying to accomplish and records the progress we have made towards those goals.  It is periodically reviewed and updated.


Strategic Plan



  • Shoreline riparian restoration

  • Water traffic monitoring and reporting to the RCMP

  • Annual river cleanup - scheduled for August

  • Water quality monitoring - performed weekly in summer

  • Signage of fish bearing streams

  • Fishery Monitoring and Rehabilitation 

  • Riparian zone protection and monitoring - with CVRD and Ministry of the Environment

  • Invasive plant ID and control - with Coastal Invasive Plant Group

  • Sustainable water use and storage monitoring - with Cowichan Water Board


Check out our 2020 AGM report

Check out our 2021 AGM Report

Check out our 2022 AGM Report

Check out the Updates page for later years.



In the summer of 2009, two public meetings were held in Lake Cowichan, each attended by upwards of 100 local residents. At each meeting residents spoke of historic, unresolved concerns (corporate management of the dam/weir, and river flow since 1957, harmful forest practices), current disrespectful behaviour by visitors and locals (pollution from river tubers, excessive noise from boaters, property damage from vandals) and concern for the future of the natural flora and fauna. Their once pristine natural environment was at serious risk! They realized that stewardship of their watershed was immediately necessary to safeguard the natural water heritage of the Cowichan Lake and River. What began as concern about the immediate problems soon embraced the future of the Cowichan Lake and River watershed.

As a result of these two large public forums, The Cowichan Lake and River Stewardship Committee (CLRSC) was formed to plan actions for the stewardship of the Cowichan Lake and River. Respect was to be the new byword! This was participatory democracy in action.

Five interest-based sub-committees were formed, each setting its own goal and priorities. An umbrella organization overseeing the stewardship work, presided over by two co-chairs and supported by a secretary and web administrator, met monthly.  Meetings were often attended by elected local area politicians and other expert guests and speakers and were open to all concerned citizens to attend.

The Cowichan Lake and River Stewardship Committee (CLRSC) applied for status as a registered non-profit society.  This was granted in March of 2011 and its name was changed to the Cowichan Lake and River Stewardship Society (CLRSS).  Our first Annual General Meeting was held in July of 2011, electing a new Board of Directors.

At the 2017 AGM of the CLRSS, we changed our by-laws from Schedule B of the BC Societies Act to adopt the new Schedule 1 (a change mandated by the changes to the BC Societies Act).



Click on the following for printable versions of our early newsletters.

February 2020

July 2017

Nov. 2016

June 2015

Dec. 2015

Sept. 2014

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