Gerald Thom Environmental Studies Bursary
Gerald Thom, the founder of our Society, was taken from us in a tragic accident in 2014. We are proud to support a school bursary in his name, to honour his substantial contributions to ecological restoration, environmental education and advocacy. A bursary of $1,000 will be awarded annually to a Lake Cowichan School student with priority given to a student who is planning to enroll in post secondary environmental studies related courses.
Criteria for this bursary are a student who:
Has successfully completed the Lake Studies program
Has demonstrated commitment and service to improving or restoring the local environment (actions include effort towards water testing, record keeping, clean-up activity, planting, article writing and nursery management)
Has demonstrated a willingness to educate others regarding environmental stewardship
Applications for the bursary and further details are available from the office of Lake Cowichan School.
Gerald believed that our youth are our most important resource. They hold the future of our community in their hands. Gerald always emphasized the importance of engaging our youth in the stewardship of our watershed. If you are interested in supporting the Bursary and would like to make a donation, please see our Donate Now page.